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How Uber Took on Ride on Motorcycle (Boda)

Kampala – Uber, the US-based mobile app-based taxi service, has taken on SafeBoda with the rollout of a new platform that will connect passengers and local motorcycle riders, popularly known as Boda-Bodas, for a travel.

Aaron Tindiseega, the Country Manager for Uber in Uganda, said the introduction of the platform dubbed, UberBODA, was as a result of high demand for quick transport means in Kampala.

“We have been engaging with the relevant regulators and we are proud to be launching a product that is fully compliant with Ugandan laws and we look forward to working with the government to further formalize the Boda-Boda industry,” he said.

The firm, which operates in more than 60 countries and 444 cities- including all major cities in the US, entered the Ugandan market in 2016 with the launch of their hailing app specifically for taxis.


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