( ! ) Warning: Declaration of Jetpack_IXR_Client::query() should be compatible with IXR_Client::query(...$args) in /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-ixr-client.php on line 91
Call Stack
10.0003397032{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0005398768require( '/home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.423045996384wp( $query_vars = ??? ).../wp-blog-header.php:16
40.423045996384WP->main( $query_args = '' ).../functions.php:1330
50.423045996384WP->parse_request( $extra_query_vars = '' ).../class-wp.php:770
60.423546030160do_action_ref_array( $hook_name = 'parse_request', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp.php:398
70.423646030160WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../plugin.php:524
80.423646030160WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
90.423646031288rest_api_loaded( class WP { public $public_query_vars = [0 => 'm', 1 => 'p', 2 => 'posts', 3 => 'w', 4 => 'cat', 5 => 'withcomments', 6 => 'withoutcomments', 7 => 's', 8 => 'search', 9 => 'exact', 10 => 'sentence', 11 => 'calendar', 12 => 'page', 13 => 'paged', 14 => 'more', 15 => 'tb', 16 => 'pb', 17 => 'author', 18 => 'order', 19 => 'orderby', 20 => 'year', 21 => 'monthnum', 22 => 'day', 23 => 'hour', 24 => 'minute', 25 => 'second', 26 => 'name', 27 => 'category_name', 28 => 'tag', 29 => 'feed', 30 => 'author_name', 31 => 'pagename', 32 => 'page_id', 33 => 'error', 34 => 'attachment', 35 => 'attachment_id', 36 => 'subpost', 37 => 'subpost_id', 38 => 'preview', 39 => 'robots', 40 => 'favicon', 41 => 'taxonomy', 42 => 'term', 43 => 'cpage', 44 => 'post_type', 45 => 'embed', 46 => 'post_format', 47 => 'rest_route', 48 => 'sitemap', 49 => 'sitemap-subtype', 50 => 'sitemap-stylesheet']; public $private_query_vars = [0 => 'offset', 1 => 'posts_per_page', 2 => 'posts_per_archive_page', 3 => 'showposts', 4 => 'nopaging', 5 => 'post_type', 6 => 'post_status', 7 => 'category__in', 8 => 'category__not_in', 9 => 'category__and', 10 => 'tag__in', 11 => 'tag__not_in', 12 => 'tag__and', 13 => 'tag_slug__in', 14 => 'tag_slug__and', 15 => 'tag_id', 16 => 'post_mime_type', 17 => 'perm', 18 => 'comments_per_page', 19 => 'post__in', 20 => 'post__not_in', 21 => 'post_parent', 22 => 'post_parent__in', 23 => 'post_parent__not_in', 24 => 'title', 25 => 'fields']; public $extra_query_vars = []; public $query_vars = ['rest_route' => '/wp/v2/posts/402']; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE } ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
100.423646031312rest_get_server( ).../rest-api.php:387
110.423646034080do_action( $hook_name = 'rest_api_init', ...$arg = variadic(class WP_REST_Server { protected $namespaces = ['oembed/1.0' => [...]]; protected $endpoints = ['/' => [...], '/batch/v1' => [...], '/oembed/1.0' => [...], '/oembed/1.0/embed' => [...], '/oembed/1.0/proxy' => [...]]; protected $route_options = []; protected $embed_cache = [] }) ).../rest-api.php:561
120.423646034456WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WP_REST_Server { protected $namespaces = [...]; protected $endpoints = [...]; protected $route_options = [...]; protected $embed_cache = [...] }] ).../plugin.php:476
130.423646034456WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WP_REST_Server { protected $namespaces = [...]; protected $endpoints = [...]; protected $route_options = [...]; protected $embed_cache = [...] }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
140.424046072504Jetpack_Core_Json_Api_Endpoints::register_endpoints( class WP_REST_Server { protected $namespaces = ['oembed/1.0' => [...]]; protected $endpoints = ['/' => [...], '/batch/v1' => [...], '/oembed/1.0' => [...], '/oembed/1.0/embed' => [...], '/oembed/1.0/proxy' => [...]]; protected $route_options = []; protected $embed_cache = [] } ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
150.426546360864Jetpack::load_xml_rpc_client( ).../class.core-rest-api-endpoints.php:61

( ! ) Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-ixr-client.php:91) in /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1717
Call Stack
10.0003397032{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0005398768require( '/home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.423045996384wp( $query_vars = ??? ).../wp-blog-header.php:16
40.423045996384WP->main( $query_args = '' ).../functions.php:1330
50.423045996384WP->parse_request( $extra_query_vars = '' ).../class-wp.php:770
60.423546030160do_action_ref_array( $hook_name = 'parse_request', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp.php:398
70.423646030160WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../plugin.php:524
80.423646030160WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
90.423646031288rest_api_loaded( class WP { public $public_query_vars = [0 => 'm', 1 => 'p', 2 => 'posts', 3 => 'w', 4 => 'cat', 5 => 'withcomments', 6 => 'withoutcomments', 7 => 's', 8 => 'search', 9 => 'exact', 10 => 'sentence', 11 => 'calendar', 12 => 'page', 13 => 'paged', 14 => 'more', 15 => 'tb', 16 => 'pb', 17 => 'author', 18 => 'order', 19 => 'orderby', 20 => 'year', 21 => 'monthnum', 22 => 'day', 23 => 'hour', 24 => 'minute', 25 => 'second', 26 => 'name', 27 => 'category_name', 28 => 'tag', 29 => 'feed', 30 => 'author_name', 31 => 'pagename', 32 => 'page_id', 33 => 'error', 34 => 'attachment', 35 => 'attachment_id', 36 => 'subpost', 37 => 'subpost_id', 38 => 'preview', 39 => 'robots', 40 => 'favicon', 41 => 'taxonomy', 42 => 'term', 43 => 'cpage', 44 => 'post_type', 45 => 'embed', 46 => 'post_format', 47 => 'rest_route', 48 => 'sitemap', 49 => 'sitemap-subtype', 50 => 'sitemap-stylesheet']; public $private_query_vars = [0 => 'offset', 1 => 'posts_per_page', 2 => 'posts_per_archive_page', 3 => 'showposts', 4 => 'nopaging', 5 => 'post_type', 6 => 'post_status', 7 => 'category__in', 8 => 'category__not_in', 9 => 'category__and', 10 => 'tag__in', 11 => 'tag__not_in', 12 => 'tag__and', 13 => 'tag_slug__in', 14 => 'tag_slug__and', 15 => 'tag_id', 16 => 'post_mime_type', 17 => 'perm', 18 => 'comments_per_page', 19 => 'post__in', 20 => 'post__not_in', 21 => 'post_parent', 22 => 'post_parent__in', 23 => 'post_parent__not_in', 24 => 'title', 25 => 'fields']; public $extra_query_vars = []; public $query_vars = ['rest_route' => '/wp/v2/posts/402']; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE } ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
100.458247863480WP_REST_Server->serve_request( $path = '/wp/v2/posts/402' ).../rest-api.php:394
110.458347863304WP_REST_Server->send_header( $key = 'Content-Type', $value = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:282
120.458347863688header( $header = 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:1717

( ! ) Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-ixr-client.php:91) in /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1717
Call Stack
10.0003397032{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0005398768require( '/home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.423045996384wp( $query_vars = ??? ).../wp-blog-header.php:16
40.423045996384WP->main( $query_args = '' ).../functions.php:1330
50.423045996384WP->parse_request( $extra_query_vars = '' ).../class-wp.php:770
60.423546030160do_action_ref_array( $hook_name = 'parse_request', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp.php:398
70.423646030160WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../plugin.php:524
80.423646030160WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
90.423646031288rest_api_loaded( class WP { public $public_query_vars = [0 => 'm', 1 => 'p', 2 => 'posts', 3 => 'w', 4 => 'cat', 5 => 'withcomments', 6 => 'withoutcomments', 7 => 's', 8 => 'search', 9 => 'exact', 10 => 'sentence', 11 => 'calendar', 12 => 'page', 13 => 'paged', 14 => 'more', 15 => 'tb', 16 => 'pb', 17 => 'author', 18 => 'order', 19 => 'orderby', 20 => 'year', 21 => 'monthnum', 22 => 'day', 23 => 'hour', 24 => 'minute', 25 => 'second', 26 => 'name', 27 => 'category_name', 28 => 'tag', 29 => 'feed', 30 => 'author_name', 31 => 'pagename', 32 => 'page_id', 33 => 'error', 34 => 'attachment', 35 => 'attachment_id', 36 => 'subpost', 37 => 'subpost_id', 38 => 'preview', 39 => 'robots', 40 => 'favicon', 41 => 'taxonomy', 42 => 'term', 43 => 'cpage', 44 => 'post_type', 45 => 'embed', 46 => 'post_format', 47 => 'rest_route', 48 => 'sitemap', 49 => 'sitemap-subtype', 50 => 'sitemap-stylesheet']; public $private_query_vars = [0 => 'offset', 1 => 'posts_per_page', 2 => 'posts_per_archive_page', 3 => 'showposts', 4 => 'nopaging', 5 => 'post_type', 6 => 'post_status', 7 => 'category__in', 8 => 'category__not_in', 9 => 'category__and', 10 => 'tag__in', 11 => 'tag__not_in', 12 => 'tag__and', 13 => 'tag_slug__in', 14 => 'tag_slug__and', 15 => 'tag_id', 16 => 'post_mime_type', 17 => 'perm', 18 => 'comments_per_page', 19 => 'post__in', 20 => 'post__not_in', 21 => 'post_parent', 22 => 'post_parent__in', 23 => 'post_parent__not_in', 24 => 'title', 25 => 'fields']; public $extra_query_vars = []; public $query_vars = ['rest_route' => '/wp/v2/posts/402']; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE } ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
100.458247863480WP_REST_Server->serve_request( $path = '/wp/v2/posts/402' ).../rest-api.php:394
110.458647863248WP_REST_Server->send_header( $key = 'X-Robots-Tag', $value = 'noindex' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:283
120.458647863568header( $header = 'X-Robots-Tag: noindex' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:1717

( ! ) Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-ixr-client.php:91) in /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1717
Call Stack
10.0003397032{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0005398768require( '/home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.423045996384wp( $query_vars = ??? ).../wp-blog-header.php:16
40.423045996384WP->main( $query_args = '' ).../functions.php:1330
50.423045996384WP->parse_request( $extra_query_vars = '' ).../class-wp.php:770
60.423546030160do_action_ref_array( $hook_name = 'parse_request', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp.php:398
70.423646030160WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../plugin.php:524
80.423646030160WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
90.423646031288rest_api_loaded( class WP { public $public_query_vars = [0 => 'm', 1 => 'p', 2 => 'posts', 3 => 'w', 4 => 'cat', 5 => 'withcomments', 6 => 'withoutcomments', 7 => 's', 8 => 'search', 9 => 'exact', 10 => 'sentence', 11 => 'calendar', 12 => 'page', 13 => 'paged', 14 => 'more', 15 => 'tb', 16 => 'pb', 17 => 'author', 18 => 'order', 19 => 'orderby', 20 => 'year', 21 => 'monthnum', 22 => 'day', 23 => 'hour', 24 => 'minute', 25 => 'second', 26 => 'name', 27 => 'category_name', 28 => 'tag', 29 => 'feed', 30 => 'author_name', 31 => 'pagename', 32 => 'page_id', 33 => 'error', 34 => 'attachment', 35 => 'attachment_id', 36 => 'subpost', 37 => 'subpost_id', 38 => 'preview', 39 => 'robots', 40 => 'favicon', 41 => 'taxonomy', 42 => 'term', 43 => 'cpage', 44 => 'post_type', 45 => 'embed', 46 => 'post_format', 47 => 'rest_route', 48 => 'sitemap', 49 => 'sitemap-subtype', 50 => 'sitemap-stylesheet']; public $private_query_vars = [0 => 'offset', 1 => 'posts_per_page', 2 => 'posts_per_archive_page', 3 => 'showposts', 4 => 'nopaging', 5 => 'post_type', 6 => 'post_status', 7 => 'category__in', 8 => 'category__not_in', 9 => 'category__and', 10 => 'tag__in', 11 => 'tag__not_in', 12 => 'tag__and', 13 => 'tag_slug__in', 14 => 'tag_slug__and', 15 => 'tag_id', 16 => 'post_mime_type', 17 => 'perm', 18 => 'comments_per_page', 19 => 'post__in', 20 => 'post__not_in', 21 => 'post_parent', 22 => 'post_parent__in', 23 => 'post_parent__not_in', 24 => 'title', 25 => 'fields']; public $extra_query_vars = []; public $query_vars = ['rest_route' => '/wp/v2/posts/402']; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE } ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
100.458247863480WP_REST_Server->serve_request( $path = '/wp/v2/posts/402' ).../rest-api.php:394
110.459047863408WP_REST_Server->send_header( $key = 'Link', $value = '<http://moovafrica.com/news/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/"' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:287
120.459047863840header( $header = 'Link: <http://moovafrica.com/news/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/"' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:1717

( ! ) Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-ixr-client.php:91) in /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1717
Call Stack
10.0003397032{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0005398768require( '/home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.423045996384wp( $query_vars = ??? ).../wp-blog-header.php:16
40.423045996384WP->main( $query_args = '' ).../functions.php:1330
50.423045996384WP->parse_request( $extra_query_vars = '' ).../class-wp.php:770
60.423546030160do_action_ref_array( $hook_name = 'parse_request', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp.php:398
70.423646030160WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../plugin.php:524
80.423646030160WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WP { public $public_query_vars = [...]; public $private_query_vars = [...]; public $extra_query_vars = [...]; public $query_vars = [...]; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
90.423646031288rest_api_loaded( class WP { public $public_query_vars = [0 => 'm', 1 => 'p', 2 => 'posts', 3 => 'w', 4 => 'cat', 5 => 'withcomments', 6 => 'withoutcomments', 7 => 's', 8 => 'search', 9 => 'exact', 10 => 'sentence', 11 => 'calendar', 12 => 'page', 13 => 'paged', 14 => 'more', 15 => 'tb', 16 => 'pb', 17 => 'author', 18 => 'order', 19 => 'orderby', 20 => 'year', 21 => 'monthnum', 22 => 'day', 23 => 'hour', 24 => 'minute', 25 => 'second', 26 => 'name', 27 => 'category_name', 28 => 'tag', 29 => 'feed', 30 => 'author_name', 31 => 'pagename', 32 => 'page_id', 33 => 'error', 34 => 'attachment', 35 => 'attachment_id', 36 => 'subpost', 37 => 'subpost_id', 38 => 'preview', 39 => 'robots', 40 => 'favicon', 41 => 'taxonomy', 42 => 'term', 43 => 'cpage', 44 => 'post_type', 45 => 'embed', 46 => 'post_format', 47 => 'rest_route', 48 => 'sitemap', 49 => 'sitemap-subtype', 50 => 'sitemap-stylesheet']; public $private_query_vars = [0 => 'offset', 1 => 'posts_per_page', 2 => 'posts_per_archive_page', 3 => 'showposts', 4 => 'nopaging', 5 => 'post_type', 6 => 'post_status', 7 => 'category__in', 8 => 'category__not_in', 9 => 'category__and', 10 => 'tag__in', 11 => 'tag__not_in', 12 => 'tag__and', 13 => 'tag_slug__in', 14 => 'tag_slug__and', 15 => 'tag_id', 16 => 'post_mime_type', 17 => 'perm', 18 => 'comments_per_page', 19 => 'post__in', 20 => 'post__not_in', 21 => 'post_parent', 22 => 'post_parent__in', 23 => 'post_parent__not_in', 24 => 'title', 25 => 'fields']; public $extra_query_vars = []; public $query_vars = ['rest_route' => '/wp/v2/posts/402']; public $query_string = ''; public $request = 'wp-json/wp/v2/posts/402'; public $matched_rule = '^wp-json/(.*)?'; public $matched_query = 'rest_route=/wp%2Fv2%2Fposts%2F402'; public $did_permalink = TRUE } ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
100.458247863480WP_REST_Server->serve_request( $path = '/wp/v2/posts/402' ).../rest-api.php:394
110.459247863312WP_REST_Server->send_header( $key = 'X-Content-Type-Options', $value = 'nosniff' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:295
120.459247863632header( $header = 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' ).../class-wp-rest-server.php:1717

( ! ) Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-ixr-client.php:91) in /home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1717
Call Stack
10.0003397032{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0005398768require( '/home/moovafri/public_html/news/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.423045996384wp( $query_vars = ??? ).../wp-blog-header.php:16
40.423045996384WP->main( $query_args = '' ).../functions.php:1330
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{"id":402,"date":"2017-05-23T09:16:54","date_gmt":"2017-05-23T09:16:54","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/?p=402"},"modified":"2017-05-23T13:06:32","modified_gmt":"2017-05-23T13:06:32","slug":"stop-150-deportation-charge-ncaa-asks-ethiopian-airlines","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/stop-150-deportation-charge-ncaa-asks-ethiopian-airlines\/","title":{"rendered":"Stop $150 deportation charge, NCAA asks Ethiopian Airlines"},"content":{"rendered":"


Facts have emerged of how Ethiopian Airlines compelled passengers traveling to South Africa to pay \u2018unauthorized\u2019 Deportation charges.<\/span><\/p>\n

The charge estimated at between $75 to $150 (N35,000- N70,000) is tagged, \u201cRefundable Deportation Fee\u201d which all South African bound passengers are compelled to pay before boarding.<\/span><\/p>\n

It was learnt that the fee was introduced by the carrier in anticipation that some of the passengers might be deported.<\/span><\/p>\n

Daily Trust reports that South African government had deported 187 Nigerians in 2017 alone. Following complaints made to the regulatory authority over the illegal charges, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has ordered the airline to stop forthwith the illegal collection of unauthorized charges which he said was against extant regulations.<\/span><\/p>\n

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (NCARs) Part 18.4.1(iii) stipulates that \u201call air carriers should obtain approval from the Authority to introduce or increase add-on charges or surcharges \u2026\u2026\u2026. prior to implementation.\u201d<\/span><\/p>\n

Spokesman of NCAA, Mr. Sam Adurogboye said the authority had been inundated with several complaints from many passengers that have suffered this fate, noting that the Authority did not receive any request for fare increase, tariff or add-ons from the airline.<\/span><\/p>\n

The NCAA disclosed that its investigation showed that all outbound passengers to South Africa from Murtala Mohammed International Airport, (MMIA), Lagos and Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu, transiting through Addis Ababa, are liable to pay $75 dollars.<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cHowever, if your transiting time is 24 hours or beyond, the passenger will pay $150 dollars\u201d, Adurogboye confirmed.<\/span><\/p>\n

He said, \u201cWhile passengers are not given prior notice concerning these charges before arriving at the airports, some were made to sign undertaken to be responsible for all expenses incurred if deported.<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cConsequent upon this, the Ethiopian Airlines\u2019 Country management were summoned by NCAA, where they claimed the fees were always refunded when a passenger was not deported.<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cThe Regulatory Authority has found this unacceptable and viewed it as a violation of the Authority\u2019s extant regulations\u201d, the spokesman said.<\/span><\/p>\n

The authority however orders the airline to stop with immediate effect the illegal charges.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cThe Airline could take advantage of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig.CAR) and obtain necessary approvals from the Authority if it has genuine grounds to increase fares or obtain tariffs\u201d, Adurogboye added.<\/span><\/p>\n

He warned all operating airlines to endeavour to adhere to the Regulations in all facets of their operations.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Facts have emerged of how Ethiopian Airlines compelled passengers traveling to South Africa to pay \u2018unauthorized\u2019 Deportation charges. The charge estimated at between $75 to $150 (N35,000- N70,000) is tagged, \u201cRefundable Deportation Fee\u201d which all South African bound passengers are compelled to pay before boarding. It was learnt that the fee was introduced by the…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":421,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[3,48,47],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/402"}],"collection":[{"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=402"}],"version-history":[{"count":2,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/402\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":405,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/402\/revisions\/405"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/421"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=402"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=402"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/moovafrica.com\/news\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=402"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}